Posts in 6° Network
Soap Studio

The Chitwan eco soap making facility, a social enterprise project, aims to build a sustainable soap business for the Musahar community to supply locally produced organic soap to Chitwan tourist accommodations, souvenir shops and other local markets within Nepal. The Musahar women will learn how to grow organic herbs, make soap, eco-friendly packaging and be trained in basic business skills to help set up and run a viable business.

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Economic Skills Development Programme

Skills development is crucial for empowerment, improving livelihoods and encouraging entrepreneurship. Skills development enhances both people’s capacity to work and their opportunities to find suitable work. For this reason, we have set up an extensive skills development training programme to enable marginalised women to work successfully both for the Eco Village and the Eco Soap Factory.

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Ladies for Ladies

‘When women progress, we all progress’

Our first Pay-it-Forward campaign was launched in October 2020. This campaign is part of our Pay-it-Forward principle where our graduates and candidates inspire other women to become part of the 6° movement.

Paying-it-Forward is all about getting an opportunity to improve your life and then giving back to other women, so they too can be inspired and empowered to take the first step.

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Emergency COVID-19 Relief Efforts

An urgent initiative by 6° and their local partner SVSI to provide the Musahar community in Chitwan with much needed food and hygiene products during the Covid-19 crisis. In addition a Women’s Farming Initiative will be set up, led by the Musahar women to train the Musahar how to grow vegetables. This will make them more self-reliant and allow them to earn a small income by selling any surplus vegetables in the market. In this way they become part of the solution.

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